Saturday, October 17, 2020

Choosing The Next President of the United States

 Dear America

Choosing the right person to be President of the USA

Dear America: You don’t even have to get into personal preferences when choosing between Biden and Trump. You just need to understand the nature of political life. At its heart, is the capacity to balance interests. You can’t rule, in a democratic nation, if you don’t know how to do that. Nor can you engage in international diplomacy without that ability. Biden did this for decades, as a public servant. Trump didn’t. He was an entrepreneur. His only interest was claiming victory over the competition. That is an essential function in the business world, but almost entirely useless while running a democratic nation. This is one of the primary reasons that he has been ineffective in his role. He simply isn’t trained for it. His mind is organized differently. For him, effectively factoring in everyone’s needs is considered a defeat. For Biden, it’s a victory. This is why Biden is the right choice for now. He is trained in bridging gaps and balancing interests. He is specialized at integrating a wide array of factors. And he has enough legal training to understand the complex relationship between rule of law and political decision-making. This really matters. Running America is no easy task, and you can’t learn these skills on the job. You have to know them coming in. Joe does. After all, you wouldn’t hire a plumber to be your doctor. Or an accountant to fix your radiator. So don’t be hiring an entrepreneur to handle complex political processes. He’s just not built for it, and you will only end up worse off than when you started. And so you have.

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